Video - TG3-RAI TV
"We learnt about protected areas and marine environment. We learnt to use the computer, to build sites and to work well in groups." These are the childrens' voices on TG3-RAI TV channel to explain, together with their teachers, an experience of environment and collaboration between classes from distant regions and Countries. The interview starts at 15:55.
TG3-RAI TV 22 May 2021 (Italiano)

Green S.E.E.D.S. comes to Portugal and Brazil!!
As part of an Erasmus teaching mobility, in October 2021 GREEN S.E.E.D.S. was presented at the PhD program in Educational Sciences at the University of Coimbra (Portugal). Portuguese and Brazilian doctoral students had the opportunity to learn and dialogue about the design and development of the project, as well as the intellectual outputs developed.

GREEN S.E.E.D.S. flies also to Romania!
The GREEN S.E.E.D.S. project was presented in Romania, thanks to Dorina Nemtanu, teacher and expert in European projects at the 'Constantin Parfene' school in Vaslui, awarded by the Romanian Ministry of Education as 'Best European School in Romania'. In October 2021, Dorina participated in a job shadowing project (Erasmus KA1, schools) organised by Glocal Factory and held at IC Bosco Chiesanuova. Among the activities, the presentation of the intellectual outputs of GREEN S.E.E.D.S by the pupils from the primary schools of San Rocco and Corbiolo participating in the project. Back in Romania, Dorina Nemtanu presented the project to schools in Vaslui county... and beyond!

GREEN S.E.E.D.S., an early member of the Education for Climate Coalition Group
GREEN S.E.E.D.S. has been considered by the European Commission as a good practice of European relevance on education and sustainable development. For this reason, the Superintendence of Studies of the Aosta Valley Region, project partner, was invited to participate in a series of focus groups leading to the creation of a European climate movement that will animate bottom-up actions in the coming years. The first meeting, attended by 12 lecturers from different European countries, took place on 11 March 2021. Participating on behalf of GREEN S.E.E.D.S. was Alice Dalle, from the I.S. Abbé Trèves, one of the schools in the GREEN S.E.E.D.S. project.
eTwinning seminar
GREEN S.E.E.D.S. at the eTwinning seminar organised in February 2022 by Ufficio Scolastico Regionale Veneto "The added value of eTwinning and Erasmus+ for remote schools".

March 2022. GREEN S.E.E.D.S. network on Italian TV!
Listen to Umberto De Col, principal of Istituto Comprensivo Marco Da Melo in Belluno and join our network of little schools as ambassadors for the environment! of GREEN S.E.E.D.S.
April 2022. Presentation of GREEN S.E.E.D.S. to the directors and the teachers of the new Veneto Mountain School Network!